As the organizer of the 16th IUAES World Congress, the ChineseUnion of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (CUAES) decidedto edit and publish "Anthropology and Ethnology Today Series"--thepaper collection series of the above sub-disciplines or researchfields, for example, Physical Anthropology, Molecular Anthropology,Migration Anthropology, Museum and Cultural Heritage, NomadicPeoples Studies, Linguistic Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, andEthnic Culture Studies.
1. Language Change and the Economic and Social Transition: theCase of the Jings in China
2. Variants of Mongolian Advertisements and EnvironmentalChange: Cases of China and Mongolia
3. Looking at Language Change through the Endangerment ofKangjia Language
4. Chinese on the Move: an Ethnographic Study of Language Changeand Migration
5. A Corpus-based Analysis of Changzhouhua-MandarineCode-switching
6. Bilingual Education and Social Harmony in Altay Area
7. Time Dimensions of the Contact of Chinese Urban Dialects
8. Different Perspectives on Multilingualism in Suriname
9. Class in Class: Ideological Processes of Class inDesegregated Classrooms in South Africa