BMW is perhaps the most admired carmaker in the world— renowned for a level of luxury and performanec that inspires neat-fanatical loyalty in its customers.While other carmakers struggle whth falling sales even with hefty rebates,BMW can't seem to make cars fast enough.Combining world-class engineering,intellingent management,and a unique corporate culture ,BMW produces consistently superior cars that are the most benchmarked vehicles in the industry.
DAVID KILEY is the Detroit Bureau Chief at USA Today and a journalist with fitteen years of experence covering the auto industry.As an automotive and advertising analyst,he has been featurdd on Nightline,CNBC,CNN,National Public Radio,and the Today show,H
1 The Ultimate Cars
2 The Ultimate History
3 The Ultimate Family
4 The Ultimate Brand
5 The Ultimate Stylists
6 The Ultimate Blunder
7 The Ultimate Brand Expansion
8 The Ultimate Hydrogen Future Epilogue:The Ultimate Outlook