1 Nonlinear Equations 1.1 Bisechon and inverse Linear interpolation l.2 Newtons Method 1 1.3 The Feed Point Theorem ZI l.4 Quadratic Convenience ortons Mettiod I.5 vacants of Newtons Method I.6 BrentSMethed 17 Effects of Finite incision Anthmetic l.8 Newtons Method for Systems l.9 Broydens Method 2 Linear Systems go ZI Gaussian EIon with Pallial Pivoting 2.2 The LUDecomposihon 2.3 The LU boomposition with Pivohng 2,4 ThectioIests Decomposition 25 Condition Numbers 2.6 The QRDecompositioD 2.7 Householder Triangulanzation and the oR DecompDSition 2,8 Gram SCh~~ OWhogunanzation and the QRDecomnosihon 2.9 The Singulax Value Decomposition vin Contents 3 lterative Methods is 3] Jarobi and Gauss-Seidel Jteration 3.2 Sparslty 3.3 Iterative Refinement 3.4 Preconditiomng 35 KryIOV Space Mithods 36 NamcricaI EgennrobIems 4 Polynomial Im6rpolation 41 Lasrange JnterooIating POlynomialS z# 42 Piccewl sc Linear intmpolatlon 26 4.3 Cubic SpInies 4.4 COmmutation of the Cubic Spline COemcients 5 Numerical Integration 5.1 Closed Newton Cotes Formulas 5.2 Open Newton-Cotes Formulas and Undetendned Coefficients 5.3 GaussianQuaurature 5.4 tuuss Chetryshev Quactraturc 55 Radau and LChami Quadrature 5.6 Adaptivity and Automatic Integtation 5.7 Ronlberglniegtation 6 Differential Equations afl 61 Numencal Differenhation 6.2 EuIers MCthod 6.3 I]nproved EIIIers Me 6.4 Analysis offupIicit One Step Mithods 4II 6.5 ThyIOr ac Runge-Kutta Methods 6.6 Adantivity and Styness 67 Mulh StePMethods 7 Nonlinear Optimization 7.1 O]le-Dunensional Searches 7.2 The Method of Steepest Descent COntents IX 7.3 Newton Methods for Nonlinear OPhndzation co 7.4 Multiple Random Sac Methods 7.5 DrmctSeedMethods 7.6 The Nelder-Maal Method 7.7 COnjugate Dbechon thetheds 8 Approximation Methods sos 8.1 Linear and Nonlineart Squares 8.2 The Best ^nproxunarmn Problem 83 Best UnifOTrn Approximation 8.4 APplications of the Chebyshev Polynomials Aff6rwoed Answers s Bibliography s7i Index s