【目录】: 1 Introduction 2 Theoretical Backwood 2.1 Argument Structure(AS) Theory 2.2 Syntactic Approach to Lexicon-Syntax Relations 2.3 Conceptual Primitives at Semantics and Syntax Interface 2.4 Summary of the Theoretical Background 3 The Unaccusative Hypothesis 3.1 The Unaccusative Hypothesis 3.2 Approaches to Unaccusativity 3.3 Unaccusative Verbs in Heterogeneity 3.4 Levin and Rappaport Hovav's Linking Rules 3.5 Summary 4 Morphosyntax in Modern Chinese 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Compound Predicates in Chinese 4.3 V-0 Compounding Revisited 4.4 A-0 Compounds Revisited 4.5 Motivation for L-Syntax Theory 4.6 L-Syntax in Compounding in Chinese 4.7 Derivation of Deadjectivals in Chinese 4.8 Summary 5 Unaccusativity of Existential Constructions 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Approaches to ECs in English 5.3 Existential Constructions in Chinese 5.4 Constraints on the ECs in Chinese 5.5 EC Compatibility Test with Verb Subclasses 5.6 Configurational Approach to ECs 5.7 Introducing NPmc to ECs in Modern Chinese 5.8 Some Controversies and Solutions 5.9 Summary 6 Unaccusativity of RCs in Modern Chinese 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Crosslinguistic Lexical-Syntactic Flexibility 6.3 Syntactic Representations of RCs in Chinese 6.4 Different Approaches to RCs in Chinese 6.5 Syntactic Configurations of RCs in Chinese 6.6 Summary 7 Concluding Remarks Appendix Bibliography 后记