Studies on Chan/Zen Buddhism in Meiji Japan Introduction: A Comprehensive Explanation for Methodologies of Modern Academic Study of Buddhism (Jp.) Taiken Kimura (Trans. Shi Yiguan) The Unfolding of Buddhist Thoughts and an Investigation in Chan/Zen Buddhism (Jp.) Taiken Kimura (Trans. Shi Yiguan) The Categories of Chan/Zen Buddhism and their Philosophical Meanings (Jp.) Taiken Kimura (Trans. Shi Yiguan) Zengaku hihanron 禅学批判論 (Introduction): Healthy Belief in Chan/Zen Buddhism (Jp.) Kaiten Nukariya (Trans. Shi Yiguan) Zengaku hihanron 禅学批判論 (Appendix) (Jp.) Kaiten Nukariya (Trans. Shi Yiguan) On the Academic Provenance of The Religion of the Samurai: A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan by Kaiten Nukariya 忽滑谷快天 Canteng Jiang
Studies on Several Annotating Texts of the Diamond Sutra attributed to Huineng 慧能 (638-713) (Jp.) Atsushi Ibuki (Trans. Mingjia Li) Zhang Binglin 章炳麟 (1869-1936) and Meiji Buddhism Jidong Chen Notes on the Educational Role Played by Chinese Buddhism: Its Historical Background and Prospects in Modern Times Jinhua Chen Three Lineages of Theravāda in Post- World War II Malaysia and their Mutual Shaping with Chinese Societies Yuguang Liu Chinese Chan Buddhism under Japanese Perspectives: Some Comments on the Informal Symposium of the History of Chan Buddhism Held by Sun Yat-sen University Hainu Jiang When Chan/Zen Buddhism met a Philosopher: A Reading Note on Shobo genzo no tetsugaku shikan正法眼藏の哲学私观 by Hajime Tanabe田边元 Yansheng He Review of Jan Nattier’s Studies on Buddhist Texts translated by Zhi Qian 支謙 (fl. 222) ZhouYuan Li A Call for Compiling the “Indexes of Overseas Buddhist Studies in Modern Times” Xing Wang