【目录】: 1.释迦牟尼像 The Sakyamuni figmrine 2.手指白云弥勒像 A Maitrcya v~rhosc finger points to the cloud figurine 3.弥勒佛像 Buddha Maitreya figurine 4-1.牵狮俑座 The pulled lion figurine pedestal 4-2.牵象俑座 The pulled elephant figurine pedestal 5.包髻贵妇像 The Bao ji(one of hairstyle)lad)"figurine 6.凤冠贵妇像 The phoenix coronet lad3’figurine 7.弈棋仕女像 Figurine of beauty pla3 s go 8.哺乳像 FiguriFie of lacting woman 9、和合立像 Standing tomb—figure of He He 10.髡发抱匣俑 Figurine of tonsure man with box 11.白衣交手文吏像 White cloth civilian who cups onc hand in the other figurine 12.白衣文吏像 whitc cloth civi~an figurine 13.文士立俑 Standing tomb—figure of man 14.方尖帽骑马偶 Figurine of equestrian with spire square—hat. 15.方幞头持莲俑 Figurine of child who wears square Putou holds h:)tus 16.童子读书坐俑 Sitting tomb—figure of child reading book 17.襁褓俑 The swaddled baby figurine 18.童子坐鼓凳抱琴俑 The child holds Qin in arms and sits On drum figurine 19.骑鼓执莲童子偶 Figurine of child holds lotus—leaf rides on drum ……