01 对朋友没有说真话的一次经历 an occasion you didn’t tell the whole truth to a friend 02 你教导年轻人的某项技能 a skill you taught to a young person 03 你想获得的奖项 a prize you want to win 04 你很想做但时间不容许的一件事情 something you wanted to do but you didn’t have enough time 05 你的拿手技能 a skill you are good at 06 健康的生活习惯 a healthy lifestyle 07 感兴趣的历史时期 historic period that you are interested in 08 重要的文化传统 an important cultural tradition 09 小孩的游戏 a kid’s game 10 邀请亲戚或朋友吃饭的经历 an occasion you invited family/friends for a meal
01 新的一门语言 a new language 02 网络 internet 03 旅游 travelling 04 海边活动 seaside activity 05 交通 transportation 06 结婚 getting married 07 郊区快乐的一天 an enjoyable day in the countryside 08 你想去工作的一个国家 a country you would like to work in 09 有趣的谈话 an interesting conversation 10 体育赛事 a sport match