目录 文物建筑研究 法王寺古建筑时代特征与建筑结构研究 杨焕成 (1) 从福安古代建筑遗存看境内畲族居住建筑的类型及演变 刘杰 (16) 檼衬角栿研究 张毅捷 汪玮翰 熊瑛 (41) 河南地区北宋时期佛塔的类型学研究 李闪闪 (54) 辽宁省盖州市玄贞观建筑风格探析 张建妍 李洋 王睿 马赞峰 (65) 山东地区的经幢 吕承佳 (73) 洹北商城:学术史视角下“盘庚殷都说”与“河亶甲相都说”的纠葛 郭荣臻 (82) 小屯殷墟内在防御体系之探析 师东辉 (96) 清代“样式雷”图档与现代建筑设计表达比较研究 许孛来 (102) 富有中国传统有机哲学观与美学特色的风水塔建筑——以湖南省长沙市为例 檀丹丹 (115) 文化遗产保护 大运河文化遗产保护与利用——以河南段为例 杨振威 王安坤 王理香 (124) 中日古代祭祀性观演建筑的文化同源性现象研究 崔陇鹏 (131) 冯玉祥与民国时期河南地区的公园建设 赵刚 郭阳 (139) 传统建筑营造技术的环境应对之策——以古人的用水观为例 冯柯 王薇 (146) 圆明园方壶胜境建筑遗迹保存现状调查研究 张瑞芳 李彤 周华 (157) 蓝河明珠——李渡口村 杨东昱 (163) 贵州赤水市传统民居地方做法研究 白天宜 (170) 贵州赤水市丙安场的历史变迁与空间特征 陈凤娇 欧阳杰 (182) 抚松锦江木屋村传统村落保护与再利用探究 王海 郑品 (198) 榆中金崖祠堂建筑形制浅析 卞聪 叶明晖 (209) 浅谈周口关帝庙柱础上的雕刻艺术 贾柯 杨永伟 (215) 论国家考古遗址公园的规划设计原则 胥昌群 张亳 (223) 学术动态 《文物建筑》创刊10周年座谈会议纪要 孙锦 (229) Contents Traditional Architecture Study The Characteristics and Architectural Structure of the Ancient Fawang Temple Yang Huancheng (1) Research on She Minority Residential Building Types and Their Evolution from Architecture Heritage in Fu’an County Liu Jie (16) Study on Chinese Traditional Hidden Beam Yinchen Jiaofu Zhang Yijie, Wang Weihan, Xiong Ying (41) The Forms of Pagodas in the Northern Song Dynasty in Henan Province Li Shanshan (54) Analysis of the Architectural Style of Xuanzhen Taoist Temple in Gaizhou, Liaoning Province Zhang Jianyan, Li Yang, Wang Rui, Ma Zanfeng (65) Dhanani Pillars in Shandong Area Lv Chengjia (73) The Shang City of Huanbei: the Conflict between Pangeng’s Capital City “Yin” and Hedanjia’s Capital City “Xiang” from the Perspective of Academic History Guo Rongzhen (82) The Internal Defense System Analysis of Xiaotun Yin Ruins Shi Donghui (96) The Comparative Studies of Yangshi Lei’s File in Qing Dynasty and Modern Architectural Design Expression Xu Bolai (102) Geomancy Tower Architecture with Organic Philosophy and Aesthetic Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Architectural Aesthetics: A Case Study in Changsha Area, Hunan Province Tan Dandan (115) Cultural Heritage Protection Protection and Utilization of Grand Canal Cultural Heritage——Case study on Henan Section Yang Zhenwei, Wang Ankun, Wang Lixiang (124) Study on Cultural Homology of Traditional Stages in China and Japan Cui Longpeng (131) Feng Yuxiang and the Construction of Garden Parks in Henan from 1927 to 1929 Zhao Gang, Guo Yang (139) Analysis on Traditional Building Technologies about the View of Water in Ancient under Respecting Environment Feng Ke, Wang Wei (146) Investigation on the Status Quo of the Preservation of Architectural Remains in Yuanmingyuan’s Fangjushenjing Zhang Ruifang, Li Tong, Zhou Hua (157) The Pearl of Lan River: Lidikou Village Yang Dongyu (163) Local Construction Method of Traditional Residential Buildings in Chishui Region Bai Tianyi (170) Historical Changes and Spatial Characteristics of Bing’an Market Town, Chishui City, Guizhou Province Chen Fengjiao, Ouyang Jie (182) Study on the Protection and Reuse of Traditional Villages in Jinjiang Village, Fusong Wang Hai, Zheng Pin (198) Analysis of the Architectural Style of Jin’ai Ancestral Halls in Yuzhong Bian Cong, Ye Minghui (209) On the Carving Art on the Foundation of Zhoukou Guandi Temple Jia Ke, Yang Yongwei (215) Discussion about the Planning and Design Principles of National Archaeological Park Xu Changqun, Zhang Bo (223) Academic Trends Minutes of the 10th Anniversary Symposium on the Publication of Traditional Architecture Sun Jin (229)