优质牛奶生产 Quality Milk Production 表1高体细胞计数与奶量损失的线性关系 Table l Linear Correlation betweerl Milk Loss and High SCC 图1乳房炎造成的损失 Figure l Losses Caused by Mastiffs 乳房炎 Mastitis 表2临床型乳房炎和隐性乳房炎 Tabk 2(21inicl and Sub—dlrileat Mastitis 图2泌乳期内新感染乳房炎频率 Figure 2 New hffection Rates by Stages of Lactation 预防奶牛乳房疾病的生物安全措施 Biosecurity Measures for Prevention of Udder IN8eaNe8 in the Dairy Cow 表3确定母牛和奶牛群乳房健康状况的标准 Table 3 Criteria that Define Excellent Udder Health Statu$of Individual Cows and the Herd 奶牛传染性乳房炎 Contagious Mastiffs in Dairy Cows 图3奶牛乳房疾病的传播途径 Figure 3 The Transmission Pathway of Udder Diseases in Dairy Cows 葡萄球菌乳房炎 Staphylococcus Mastiffs 表4临床型乳房炎 Table 4 clinical Mastitis 无乳链球菌乳房炎 Streptxx'occus agalactiae Mastitis 支原体乳房炎 M2a'oplasma Mastiffs 奶牛环境型乳房炎 Enviromnental Mastiffs in Dairy Cows 乳房链球菌/停乳链球菌乳房炎 Streptococcus uberis/Streptococcusdysgalactiae Mastiffs 牛疱疹性乳头炎(溃疡性乳头炎)- Bovine Herpes Mmnmillitis(ulcerativemammillitis) 假牛痘(挤奶员结节) Pseudo-Cowpox(Milkers’Nodule) 乳房水肿/充血 Udder Edema and Congestion 收集用于培养的混合奶样的操作规范 Recommended Procedure for CollectingComposite Milk Samples for Culture DHl报告可揭示的异常状况 Abnormalities with the DHl Report 图4泌乳曲线 Figure 4 Milk Production Curve 图5乳脂和乳蛋白曲线 Figure 5 Milk Fat and Protein Curve 母牛舒适度与优质牛奶生产 Cow Comfort and Quality Milk Production …… 治疗前的工作内容 安全使用动物保健产品