WangChengrong, Doctor of Management in Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, Second-level Professor of Beijing College of Finance and Trade,Doctoral Tutor of Capital University of Economics and Business, is a member ofG30, China’s top think tank in distribution. Mr. Wang enjoys special governmentallowances from the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. He hasdevoted himself to the research of distribution theory and brand management fora long time. He has published 22 books on distribution modernization,distribution soft power, new distribution power, brand value evaluation,time-honored brand value and enterprise culture. He has presided over more than20 projects commissioned by the National Social Science Fund and thegovernment, published more than 200 academic papers, and provided strategicadvisory services to more than 50 well-known enterprises. He has won manyawards, such as National Teaching Achievement Award, National Business andTechnology Progress Award, National Business Development Research AchievementAward, Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award andChrematistics Award.
III Contents
Preface. 4
ChapterⅠ Opportunities and Challenges of theRetail Revolution 7 1. Ushering in the Fourth Retail Revolution. 7 2. The Motivation of the Fourth RetailRevolution. 16 3. The Impact of the Fourth Retail Revolution. 26 4. The Evolution and Deepening of the FourthRetail Revolution—Smart Retail 31 5. Rising to the Fourth Retail Revolution. 39 6. Leap from Traditional Retail to IntelligentRetail 43
ChapterII The Fourth Retail Revolution andCloud Consumption 45 1. Three Characteristics of Cloud Consumption. 45 2. Cloud Consumption: With Consumer Demand asIts Core. 70 3. The Mainstream Consumption Pattern in CloudConsumption. 74
ChapterIII The Fourth Retail Revolution andInternet Thinking 83 1. Internet Thinking. 83 2. The Internet Thinking Practice of Xiaomi 89 3. The Innovation and Reform of RetailEnterprises under the Influence of Internet Thinking 93 ChapterIV Information Technology and Big Datain the Fourth Retail Revolution 100 1. Information Technology in Traditional RetailIndustry. 100 2. The Development of Information Technology. 102 3. Big Data. 118
Chapter V O2O (Online to offline) Business Model in theFourth Retail Revolution. 125 1. The Rise of Online Retail and itsDevelopment Limitations. 125 2. The Creation of O2O Model and Its OperatingSystem.. 127 3. The O2O model of Co., Ltd. 133 4. From Exploring O2O to PracticingBoundless Retail 137 5. O2O model: the direction of the futureretailing. 145
ChapterVI The Fourth Retail Revolution andLogistics Innovation 146 1. Innovation of the Logistics System in theEra of Retail Revolution. 146 2. The Intelligentization and Electronizationof Logistics. 156 3. The Future Trends of Retail and LogisticsIndustry. 158
ChapterVII The Fourth Retail Revolution andFinancial Innovation 161 1. The Interaction Between Retail Revolutionand Financial Innovation. 161 2. Supply Chain Finance: 164 3. Create an Open Ecosystem, Provide InclusiveFinancial Services—Take Ant Financial Service as an Example 174
ChapterVIII The Fourth Retail Revolution and TourismInnovation 181 1. The Development of the Tourism.. 181 2. The Upgrade and Innovation of TourismProducts. 186 3. The Innovation of Tourism Marketing Model 187 4. The Innovation of Tourism Enterprises. 188
Chapter IX The Fourth Retail Revolution andInnovation of Retail Advertising Model 191 1. The Development, Status Quo and DrivingForces of the Retail Advertising Model 191 2. The Reform of the Retail Advertising Model 208 3. The Trend of Retail Advertising Model 220