本书精选了诗人右奈101shou短诗。写作时间跨度达41年。这是诗人亲自从一千余shou不同时期作品中挑选出来的风格各异的代表性作品。诗人擅长以抽象的语言风格配以直观的画面感,使汉语诗歌写作呈现出多样性。以中英文对照的方式出版,让一些同时喜爱诗和英语的人,多了一种选择。 本书精选了画家周葵女士(艺名CLYTZE)的插图作品15幅,这些作品都是根据诗歌的画面感所创作,以增加读者的理解和乐趣。 本书英文翻译是由牛津大学博士Kate Costello 完成的。 Kate Costello 博士的研究方向正是中国当代诗歌。英文地道流畅。
右奈,1965年8月出生。自幼喜欢唐诗。 15岁写了shou诗:山川边的油菜花开了/你不见了 随着阅历的丰富与视野的开阔,他的诗作风格变得抽象,具有梦幻性、原创性和悲剧性。 他以冷静突兀的形式,构建新诗的美学画面。试图稳定汉字作为象形文字的原意与确定性。 他的诗主题是:生命的尊严与价值。他反对被奴役的人继续奴役他人。 他追求汉语的纯洁性与穿透力。是当代杰出的抽象派诗人。 Yau Noi, born in August 1965. He loves Tang poetry since he was little. Wrote his first poem at the age of 15: “The rapeseed by the mountainside blooms; You are gone”. With his rich experience and broad horizon, the style of his works has become abstract, full of dreaminess, originality and tragedy. He constructs the aesthetic picture of Modern Chinese poetry in a calm and abrupt form. Try to stabilize the original intention and certainty of Chinese characters as pictographs. The theme of his poem is about the dignity and value of life. He opposed the people who have been enslaved, continue to enslave others. He pursues the purity and penetration of Chinese language, is the most outstanding contemporary abstract