目录 Act I 3 SCENE I. King Lear’s Palace. 23 SCENE II. The Earl of Gloucester’s Castle. 33 SCENE III. The Duke of Albany’s Palace. 35 SCENE IV. The Duke of Albany’s Palace. 54 SCENE V. Court Before the Duke of Albany’s Palace. Act II 57 SCENE I. A Court Within the Castle of the Earl of Gloucester. 65 SCENE II. Before Gloucester’s Castle. 76 SCENE III. The Open Country. 78 SCENE IV. Before Gloucester’s Castle; Kent in the stocks. Act III 94 SCENE I. A Heath. 98 SCENE II. Another Part of the Heath. 104 SCENE III. Gloucester’s Castle. 106 SCENE IV. The Heath. Before a Hovel. 116 SCENE V. Gloucester’s Castle. 118 SCENE VI. A Farmhouse near Gloucester’s Castle. 124 SCENE VII. Gloucester’s Castle. Act IV 130 SCENE I. The Heath. 135 SCENE II. Before the Duke of Albany’s Palace. 141 SCENE III. The French Camp near Dover. 145 SCENE IV. The French Camp. 147 SCENE V. Gloucester’s Castle. 150 SCENE VI. The Country near Dover. 167 SCENE VII. A Tent in the French Camp. Act V 173 SCENE I. The British Camp near Dover. 178 SCENE II. A Field Between the Two Camps. 179 SCENE III. The British Camp, near Dover.