One of the world's preeminent business thinkers and co-author ofthe bestseller, Competing for the Future, Gary Hamel helped set themanagement agenda for the 1990s. He now brings us into thetwenty-first century with Leading the Revolution, which spent timeon The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, andBusiness Week bestseller lists, among others. In his new book, GaryHamel lays out an innovative action plan for any company orindividual intent on becoming-and staying-an industryrevolutionary, for years to come. By drawing on the success of"gray haired revolutionaries" like Charles Schwab, Virgin, and GECapital-companies who are always thinking ahead of the game andgrowing in new directions-and profiling individuals such as KenKutaragi, one of the pioneers of Sony Playstation, Hamel explainshow companies can continue to grow, innovate, and achieve success,even in a chaotic world market. With insight culled from years ofexperience, Hamel:
* Explores where revolutionary new business concepts comefrom
* Identifies the key design criteria for building companies thatare activist-friendly and revolution-ready
* Shows how to avoid becoming "one-vision wonders"
* Demonstrates how to harness the imagination of everyemployee
* Explains how to develop new financial measures that focus oncreating new wealth
Packed with practical advice, Leading the Revolution is anaccessible read, perfect for both businesses and individuals thatdon't want to get caught in the slow lane in the race for successin the twenty-first century.
So much for the old economy, new economy divide. According toGary Hamel, the professor-turned-strategy-guru author of Leadingthe Revolution, complacent establishment giants and one-strategystart-ups are on the same side of the fence--the wrong side.Corporate complacency and single-strategy business plans leave noroom for what Hamel describes as the key to thriving in today'sworld of business: a deeply embedded capability for continual,radical innovation.
Leading the Revolution is not a calm analysis of what will orwon't work in a post-industrial world. Instead, it's an impassionedcall for revolutionary activists to shake the foundations of theircompanies' beliefs and move from a linear age of getting better,smarter, and faster, to a nonlinear age of becoming different.While in the past incremental improvements in products and serviceswere accepted as good enough, Hamel shows that true innovation isthe demolition and re-creation of an entire business concept. Heblows apart the popular myth that innovation lies solely in thehands of dynamos like AOL and Amazon by scrutinizing theexamples of such "gray-haired revolutionaries" as Enron and CharlesSchwab, companies that have managed to reinvent both themselves andtheir entire industries, time and again.
After an in-depth examination of what business-concept innovationinvolves (for starters, it's "based on avoidance, not attack"),Hamel goes on to motivate his readers to see their ownrevolutionary future, and train them in the art of being anactivist. As he puts it in various headings, be a novelty addict,be a heretic, know what's not changing, surface the dogmas. Andthen get out there and transform your ideas into reality. Notsimply a round-up call, Hamel's book provides would-be activistswith an intelligent, comprehensive plan of action. He illustrateseach imperative with examples of real-life corporate rebels, suchas John Patrick and David Grossman at IBM, Ken Kutaragi at Sony,and Georges Dupont-Roc at Shell. His message is the same to "old"and "new" companies alike: "Industry revolutionaries are like amissile up the tail pipe. Boom! You're irrelevant!" So join therevolution and avoid the explosion.
Hamel writes in a clear and compelling voice, preaching withpassion but supporting what he says with detailed, experientialevidence. Each chapter is packed with probing questions andinspirational examples that aim to dig through the apatheticcorners of your mind and throw hand grenades into any creativesynapses still slumbering. Even the alternative (read innovative)design of Leading the Revolution will jolt you into a new level ofawareness and imagination. Indeed, the only problem you might havewith this book is an increasing desire to put it down before theend, get out there into the wild world of the activist, and startliving the revolution.
--S. Ketchum
From Publishers Weekly
Hamel's first edition of this volume, published in 2000, urgedmanagers help lead a business revolution by embracingchange-developing e-commerce, participating in joint ventures andengaging in selective cooperation. Centuries of incrementalprogress have given way to a time of revolution, Hamel argued, andcompanies must change or die. His revised version keeps the focuson far-reaching innovation-imagine the kind of future you want foryour company, Hamel urges, and then go out and create it-but hemakes sure to dismiss the "helium" of the dot-com bubble and focuson meaningful business change. He highlights Cemex, the thirdlargest cement company in the world, as proof that "new attitudesand new values can change an old industry"; UPS, too, gets the nodas another "gray-haired revolutionary." (Unsurprisingly, Hamel'spositive Enron profile from the earlier edition gets the axe.)Hamel's presentation is powerful and his core argument thatcorporate leaders must be more entrepreneurial remains convincing;the worst that can be said about this volume is that, by rehashinghis earlier writings, Hamel may not be fully following his ownadvice.
From The Industry Standard
In 1994, IBM was a basket case. It had lost $15 billion overthree years and watched its market capitalization drop by 70percent, eliminating $73 billion of shareholder wealth. That waswhen a maverick named David Grossman emerged from an IBM outpost inIthaca, N.Y., with the radical idea that IBM should become anInternet-savvy information services company.
What followed was a remarkable guerrilla campaign to transformone of the world's largest companies. With the help of asympathetic senior executive named John Patrick, as well as anunderground network of far-flung Net-freaks throughout the IBMempire, Grossman overcame the odds and succeeded, helping to turnaround IBM through his iconoclastic efforts.
Gary Hamel wants you to do the same thing. He doesn't care if youwork for Cisco Systems in Silicon Valley or a Rust Belt widgetmaker in Youngstown, Ohio. If your work seems dumb, if your companyseems brain-dead, if most of your waking hours aren't filled withthe ardent pursuit of radical innovation, Hamel wants you to startfomenting revolutionary change to save your employer from the long,grim twilight of obsolescence. He wants you to think big thoughts,take chances and, most of all, care passionately about how it allturns out.
Hamel's new book, Leading the Revolution, purports to be a kindof Rules for Radicals, a once-fashionable work by the late SaulAlinsky. But instead of empowering society's downtrodden, Hamelwants to convince you that you already have the power to pursue"business concept innovation" of the kind that turns industries -and possibly even societies - upside down.
At this point sensitive readers may feel as if they've wanderedinto Charles Saxon's famous 1972 New Yorker cartoon about a party."Steer clear of that one," one woman cautions another about a manacross the room. "Every day is always the first day of the rest ofhis life."
Corporations, after all, do not typically welcome borderlineinsubordinate campaigns by low-level employees to radically alterthe direction of their business. Media critic Ben Bagdikian mighthave been talking about the difficulty of drastic, bottom-upinnovation at most large companies when he said: "Trying to be afirst-rate reporter on the average American newspaper is liketrying to play Bach's St. Matthew Passion on a ukulele."
Aside from the inherent improbability of his argument, Hamel hasa couple of other things going against him. For instance, he'sannoyingly impressed with himself, as is evident from the book'sself-dramatizing preface. And he's a management guru by profession(his last book was Competing for the Future), which to some readerswill make him seem something of a charlatan by definition. Fulldisclosure: As a species, these guys drive me up a wall. If theyreally know so much, why haven't they started a fewmultibillion-dollar companies instead of preying on the insecurityof executives willing to drop a few bucks on the latest managementfad? These guys are always full of noisy brio as they lay bare thegross stupidity of corporate America, yet somehow the samecorporate idiots who are staples of every consultant's books andvideotapes have managed to create the largest, richest, mostinnovative economy in the history of the world. What an amazingparadox!
All that said, I've got to confess that I liked this book, andyou probably will, too. I liked it for the same reason I likechurches and synagogues: Because it's not that often, in thisindulgent and therapeutic culture of ours, that we are called uponto be better than ourselves, and with admirable fervor this isprecisely what Hamel does. Indeed, the single best thing aboutLeading the Revolution is its radical argument that work should beengaging, meaningful and passionately performed, and that the wayto accomplish this is not by taking pride in some minute increasein efficiency but by coming up with radical innovation - in otherwords, by being really, really creative.
Fortunately, Hamel goes beyond mere exhortation to offer ablueprint for how to revolutionize your company, even if it meanscannibalizing an existing business.
First you need an idea, and some of his suggestions fordeveloping these are obvious: Read new magazines, meet new people,visit new places. Yet it's equally obvious how few people followthem. The point is to find and exploit giant socialdiscontinuities, such as the refusal of baby boomers to grow old(which has created markets for oversize tennis rackets, parabolicskis and other never-say-die products). Hamel emphasizes bothdirect experience and deep study: Go and see how other people live,but make sure you get beyond first impressions. And distinguishform from function: Banking, for instance, may be essential, butbanks aren't.
The goal is "not to speculate on what might happen, but toimagine what you can make happen," and along these lines Hameloffers a section called "How to Build an Insurrection." First youneed a point of view, the equivalent of an ideology, but it must be"credible, coherent, compelling and commercial." Then write amanifesto, create a coalition, pick your shots, co-opt andneutralize opposition, find a "translator" to bridge the gapbetween revolutionaries and establishment, start building smallvictories, and stay underground long enough to build critical mass- but then be sure to infiltrate (rather than overthrow) thehighest levels of the organization to win the resources you'll needto realize your vision. (If you're in senior management, don't feelleft out; Hamel suggests ways to make your companyrevolution-ready.)
Leading the Revolution offers a wealth of stories along the wayabout people and companies who managed to create the kinds ofrevolution the author is calling for. And although he gives toolittle credit to the people in white lab coats, he's basicallyright that a lot of wealth has been created by the Gap, GeneralElectric, Starbucks, Wal-Mart and other companies whoseearth-shaking innovations--people will pay $4 for a cup ofcoffee!--did not require an engineering degree. In one of his bestexamples, the brainstorm of a twentysomething Enron employee inEngland quickly led the company in a whole new direction. "Enronwent live in November 1999 with one of the first online markets forall forms of energy," Hamel writes. "Just months after its launch,EnronOnline was doing a dollar volume far greater than Internetstars like Dell Computer, Cisco or Amazon."
Or consider Ken Kutaragi, an obscure Sony researcher who almostsingle-handedly got his company to come out with a videogame systemin 1994. "Less than five years later," Hamel writes, "thePlayStation business had grown to comprise 12 percent of Sony's $57billion in total revenues, and an incredible 40 percent of its $3billion in operating profits."
Hamel's examples show that, when the planets are aligned right,it really is possible to bring about revolution inside a company.That doesn't mean it's possible for all of us, or even most of us.But I agree that in the absence of passion and creativity, work ismere drudgery, and Hamel makes a strong case that bringing freshthinking to the job can produce wealth as well as satisfaction - nosurprise to those directly involved in the Internetrevolution.
Perhaps, though, the ultimate message of Hamel's book is that inbusiness the phrase "after the revolution" no longer has meaning,ironic or otherwise, since the revolution he's talking about is onewithout end.
From Booklist
For the past five years, Hamel has been the biggest name inmanagement gurudom. He and his consulting firm Strategos areregularly profiled in the business press, and his articlesfrequently appear in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, and HarvardBusiness Review. Competing for the Future, which Hamel cowrote withC. K. Prahalad in 1994, won numerous accolades and is still aninfluential, often-cited work. Strategy is Hamel's mantra. Heargues that companies must continuously reevaluate, update, andredefine their core strategies. IKEA, Home Depot, Charles Schwab,and Cisco are some of the "insurgents" leading Hamel's revolution,tipping over such stolid icons as Kodak, K-mart, Compaq, andWestinghouse. Hamel even maintains Nike is on shaky ground. It isnot enough, he warns, to start new businesses or develop newproducts. Victors in the revolution must invent new ways of doingbusiness. Attempting to validate his own "revolutionary"credentials, Hamel has re-created--or at least repackaged--thebusiness book, this one coming with jazzy illustrations andfour-color graphics; and it will be heavily promoted.
David Rouse
From AudioFile
To keep up with the competition, think of your business as beingin an ecological relationship with its customers, suppliers,business partners, and competition, and then keep an eye on thedynamics of what happens in those relationships. The author usesclear, pithy language (there are many memorable sound bites) andwell-spaced Socratic questions to spell out his ideas and push youinto action. With the abstract thinking of an academician and thequick intuition of a start-up CEO, the author gives so many richideas and cool sentences that you'll want to rewind to enjoy themagain. The importance of this material will make you wish for anunabridged audio or the print edition, just so you don't missanything. T.W.