“五毛零食”大爆炸 the explosion of the “ cents treat” “毒馅”小作坊 the mill with “poisonous fillings” 爱“洗澡”的草莓 the strawberry who loves to bathe 被密封的水果宝宝 the “contained” fruit babies 奔跑吧,外君 go deliveryman, go! 变身芽芽的土豆君 the potato with tails 常吃爆米花,肥胖和你不分家 too much popcorn makes you gain a lot of weight 腐臭豆腐和致癌咸菜的pk赛 stinky tofu vs. pickled vegetables 翻滚的麻辣烫君 rolling malatang 果汁彩斑斓的秘密 colorful secret of fruit juice 黑暗料理风波 the mysterious dish 黑心小作坊 the dishonest shop 胡萝卜让你眼睛美又亮 the beautifying carrot 化妆的鸡蛋 an egg with makeup 皮蛋皮蛋是坏蛋 preserved egg is a bad egg 烧烤架上的大坏蛋 the “bad” on the grill 生的海产品,我们不约 say no to raw seafood 香蕉宝宝的爱与恨 love and hate of banana 香甜诱惑 temptation of sweet 虫眼+果蔬=绿? bug holes+vegetables=green? 炸鸡的正确打开方式 eat fried chicken with right way