作者 Jo Ellen Moore 著;Evan-Moor Educational Publishers 编
出版社 Evan-Moor Corp
出版时间 2002-03
ISBN 9781557998408
定价 149.80元
装帧 平装
开本 其他
纸张 胶版纸
页数 160页
正文语种 英语
In Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 , students will learn 10 spelling words per week (300 total). Two sentences for dictation are provided for each list. Spelling lists include the following: * short and long vowel words * contractions * blends and digraphs * spellings for /er/ * variant vowel sounds such as ow, ou, oo * adding ed and ing
The practice pages include the following: * the spelling list with spaces to read, write, and spell each word * a configuration puzzle for every list * word sorting * word meaning (filling in missing spelling words in sentences) * exercises to find the misspellings * various word study exercises