chapter 1 color and emotions 1.1 the three properties of color 1.2 primary colors 1.3 secondary colors 1.4 tertiary colors 1.5 achromatic colors 1.6 color harmony and contrast 1.7 color ychology 1.8 cool colors and warm colors 1.9 meaning of color chapter 2 ition and framing 2.1 gestalt laws 2.2 balance 2.3 the golden ration (golden proportions) 2.4 the rule of thirds 2.5 rhythm 2.6 emphasis 2.7 visual hierarchy 2.8 unity chapter 3 camera shots and movements 3.1 types of camera shots 3.2 camera movement chapter 4 the basics of perspective 4.1 linear perspective drawing attributes 4.2 one-point perspective 4.3 two-point perspective 4.4 three-point perspective new words translation true or false 参文献