In this very exciting, informative and practical series you will not only learn about the recycling process of most common materials, but will also find out:
what governments are doing
what industries are doing
what communities are doing
what individuals are doing
AND most importantly,
what you can do to Recycle, Reduce, Reuse and Rethink products and resources.
Among the many features of the text are:
a flowchart showing how the material is recycled
a special spread presenting arguments For and Against Recycling
mini case studies of people taking action around the world
a Scorecard for individuals or the class to make, to record and reward their 3-R activities, using green stars
a sample of a poster students can make to encourage others to recycle
a decomposition timeline showing how long it takes for different materials to break down.
Fun features include:
cartoon characters presenting incidental information greenStar Truth'boxes containing vital facts on positive aspects of recycling