Composed by an unknown author in early thirteenth-centuryFrance, "The Quest of the Holy Grail" is a fusion of Arthurianlegend and Christian symbolism, reinterpreting ancient Celtic mythas a profound spiritual fable. It recounts the quest of the knightsof Camelot - the simple Perceval, the thoughtful Bors, the rashGawain, the weak Lancelot and the saintly Galahad - as they journeythrough danger and temptation to reach the elusive Holy Grail. Butonly one of them is judged worthy to see the mysteries within thesacred vessel, and look upon the ineffable. Enfused with tragicgrandeur and an aura of mysticism, "The Quest" is an absorbing andradiant allegory of man's perilous search for divine grace, and hada profound influence on later Arthurian romances and versions ofthe Grail legend.
1. Departure
2. The Shield
3. Presumption Punished. The Castle of the Maidens