l 这是一套专为刚开始独立阅读的孩子设计的双语读物。 l 中英文双语均虑到了初级阅读者在独立完成阅读过程中所能接受的难度,整套书以短句和相对简单的词汇构成,适合这个年龄段的孩子阅读。 l 中文故事生动有趣、浅显易懂;英文单词、短语易于理解,容易进入。对单词和句型等重复运用,帮助孩子在提升阅读能力方面获得自信,为孩子的阅读不断输入新鲜养料。 l 绘画风格延续了斯凯瑞一贯的幽默手法。
小屁孩二三事 the best mistake ever! and other stories
馅饼炮弹 pie rats ahoy!
帮倒忙 the worst helper ever!
消员冒烟儿 smokey the fireman
早起鸟 the early bird
修修小姐 frances fix-it
侦探嗅嗅 sniff the detective
注意看路,兔先生 watch your step, mr. rabbit!
哈里和拉里 harry and larry the fishermen
小屁孩,咯咯笑 chuckle with huckle!
本书内容包括:帮倒忙、馅饼炮弹、小屁孩儿二三事、小屁孩儿,咯咯笑、哈里和拉里、小心脚下,兔子先生、侦探斯尼夫、修修小姐、小小鸟、消员斯莫奇。 小屁孩二三事 the bet mitake ever! and other torie one day mother cat wanted to clean the houe. huckle cat wanted to help. he wahed the dihewith too much oap.he duted the dutall over the room. huckle wa no help at all.“you can really help me by going to the tore” aid hi mother. he made a hopping lit. “here i what i need” he aid.“butter cream apple potatoe and orange.” huckle wanted to help.he ran to the tore.but he forgot to take the hopping lit! ,猫妈妈要打扫房间。小屁孩着去帮忙。 他洗盘子结果用了太多的肥皂。 他扫灰尘结果弄得房里乌烟瘴气。 小屁孩一点忙也帮不上。 “你真想帮我,去商店买点东西吧。”妈妈说。 她写了一个购物清单。“这些是需要买的东西。”她说。“黄油、奶油、苹果、土豆,还有橘子。” 小屁孩很高兴能帮上忙,他一路小跑到了商店。但他却忘了带购物清单! 小屁孩能顺利完成妈妈给的任务吗? 馅饼炮弹 pie rat ahoy! there were pirate on the prowl in buytown bay. no one wa afe. but that didn’t top uncle willy. he wa going ailing—pirate or no pirate. 有一群海盗出没在忙忙碌碌镇的港湾,他们威胁着每一个出海的人。 但威利叔叔不怕。他要去和海盗拼个你死我活。 威利叔叔能降服海盗吗? 帮倒忙 the wort helper ever!wake up farmer pig.it’ time to go to work.what a buy buy day! you need a helper farmer pig.hello charlie cat! are you buy? no i’m not buy farmer pig.can you help me charlie cat?ye farmer pig. i can drive your truck.起床了,农夫猪。该去干活了。将会是、忙的!你得找个帮手,农夫猪。嗨,笨笨猫!你忙吗?不,我不忙,农夫猪。能来帮帮我吗,笨笨猫?好啊,农夫猪,我会开货车。笨笨猫能帮上忙吗? 消员冒烟儿 mokey the fireman mokey wa a fire fighter. he loved to put out fire. one day mokey had nothing to do. o he went to leep. down the treet a voice cried“help! help! my houe i full of moke!” it wa katie kitty. the fire bell began to ring!wake up mokey! 冒烟儿是个消员,他喜欢灭火这工作。 ,冒烟儿没事可做,他去睡觉了。 街那头传来了呼救的声音:“救命啊!救命啊!我的房子冒烟啦!” 是凯蒂在呼救。 出警铃立刻响了起来!快起来,冒烟儿! 冒烟儿能把凯蒂救出来吗? 早起鸟 the early bird the un wa hining. early bird hopped out of bed. he went to the bathroom and wahed hi face. early bird bruhed hi beak and bed hi feather. then he put on hi blue ailor uit. look at what early bird ate for breakfat! “why don’t you find a worm to y with?” mommy bird aid. “what i a worm?”aked early bird. “a worm wiggle. it live in a hole in the ground”aid mommy bird. o early bird went out to find a worm. 明亮的太阳当头照,早起鸟跳下床。 上个厕所洗洗脸,刷刷小嘴梳梳毛,换上蓝海魂衫。 看他的早餐多丰盛! “为什么不去找只小虫玩?”鸟妈妈说。 “小虫是什么?”早起鸟问。 “是一种扭来扭去的家伙,他住在地洞里。”鸟妈妈回答。 于是,早起鸟出门去找小虫了。 早起鸟能找到小虫吗? 修修小姐 france fit france fit i alway buy.people are alway calling her. they ay “pleae france fix thi for me.”then france goe to fix it. mr. goat’ water pipe were leaking.he called france. he went and fixed them. he got a little wet. a boat hit a rock. it made a hole in the ide of the boat. france fixed the hole. he can fix jut about anything. 修修小姐一直很忙,有人打电话找她。 他们说:“修修,请帮我修理一下吧。”然后,修修会把它修好。 山羊家的水管漏水了,他给修修打了个电话。修修上门来修水管,结果弄得她一身是水。 一艘小船撞上了礁石,船身侧面被撞了个洞。修修赶去把洞补好,她几乎能修所有东西。 修修小姐真的能修好所有的东西吗? 侦探嗅嗅 niff the detective niff i a detective. he hel people find thing. he hel catch bad people. he think with hi head. and he mell with hi noe. one day niff got a phone call. it wa chief hound. “we need your help” hound aid.“meet me at mr. jewel’ houe.” “i will be there right away”aid niff. 嗅嗅是一个侦探。他帮大家找失物,也帮大家抓坏蛋。 他用大脑思,用鼻子寻找。 ,嗅嗅接到一个电话,是哈德警长打来的。 “我们需要你的帮助,”哈德说,“到钻石夫人家见面吧。” “我马上过去。”嗅嗅说。 是什么事呢? 注意看路,兔先生 watch your tep mr. rabbit! here e mr. rabbit. i he looking at hi feet? no. he i looking at hi newpaper. now he i looking at hi feet. hi feet are tuck in the treet. 兔先生走过来了。 他在看脚下的路吗? 没有。他在看报纸。 现在他在看脚下的路了, 他的脚粘在了沥青里。 兔子先生能把脚从沥青里拉出来吗? 哈里和拉里 harry and larry the fihermen mother cat ha nine kitten. they live in a big houe near the ea. mmmmm! what i that yummy mell? that mell i fih. the houe alway mell of fih. the cat love fih. they eat fih more than anything ele. mother cat ha two brother. one i uncle harry. the other i uncle larry. every morning they go to the dock. they get into their boat. 猫妈妈有九个孩子,他们一家住在海边的一座大房子里。 哎呀呀!什么东西这么香? 原来是鱼的味道。这座房子里是飘着鱼的香味, 猫小宝们都喜欢吃鱼,别的食物都没有鱼好吃。 猫妈妈有两个兄弟,一个叫哈里,一个叫拉里。 每天早晨,他们都要去码头,登上他们的小船。 哈里和拉里能捕到鱼吗? 小屁孩,咯咯笑 chuckle with huckle! huckle pull on pant.one leg two leg. too mall! not right! chuckle huckle! huckle pull on pant.one leg two leg. too big! not right! chuckle huckle! 小屁孩,穿外裤,左腿进,右腿入。 裤太小,穿不了!小屁孩,咯咯笑! 小屁孩,穿外裤,左腿进,右腿入。 裤太大,垮下来!小屁孩,咯咯笑!