写给家长和老师的话idea for parent and teacher通过“小小工程师动动手”丛书,孩子们可以学阅读科技图书,同时认识了解目录、章节名、标签、侧边栏、地图、图表、词汇表以及索引等科技图书所包含的特板块。本书语言朴实流畅,搭配与内容密切相关的图片,即使尚不能流畅阅读的孩子也能轻松读懂!pogo book let ren practice rea informational text while introducing them to nonfiction feature uch a hea label idebar ma and diagram a well a a table of content gloary and index. carefully leveled text with a trong photo match offer early fluent reader the upport they need to ucceed.读前热身before rea?浏览全书,找出书中科技类图书的特板块,让孩子想一想每个特板块的作用是什么。?翻到词汇表,读一读,并讨论学新词汇。?“walk” through the book and point out the variou nonfiction feature. ak the tudent what pure each feature erve. ?look at the gloary together. read and dicu the word.学攻坚read the book?让孩子独立阅读本书。?对阅读过程中发现的不懂的问题,鼓励孩子大胆提问。?have the read the book independently. ?invite him or her to lit quetion that arie from rea. 读后after rea?孩子提出的问题展开讨论,并引导孩子发现解决问题的方法。?拓宽孩子的思维空间。问孩子:在阅读本书之前,你对汽车了解多少?读完这本书之后,你还想了解关于汽车的哪些知识??dicu the ’ quetion. talk about how he or he might find anwer to thoe quetion.?prompt the to think more. ak: what did you know about car before you read thi book? what more do you want to learn after rea it?