春 自由绽放Blooming freely 一乔玉兰/Magnolia flowers 春光明媚/Bright spring day 煤梦/Butterfly dream 生机物勃/Full of vigor 等春来/Waiting for spring 共享早春/The carly spring 溪幕叠影/Shadows in the river 大地回春/Spring is coming 春眠报晓/Announcing the arrival of spring 柳岸花开/Willow blossoms 飞檐走壁/Flying over the wall 姐妹花/The sister-flowers 春过半百花芳/Fragrant flowers in spring 姥紫嫣红/Ablaze of bright flowers 花团锦族/Flower clusters 翠色欲滴/Emerald green 阔英合欢/Woman's tongue tree 繁英满枝/Branches full of blosoms 两小无猜/Innocent playmates
夏 最显民族风/Traditional beauty 善水雅庭/Clear watcr and elegant cout 一能火红/Acluster of red 面和园游记/Tour of the Summer Palace 昆山显水/Water and the hill are showing of 园字一意/Resing in the garden pavilion 各领风骚/Each has its own excellence 荷塘美景/Beautiful scenery oflotus pond 含苞待放/Budding 悠然自得/Leisurely 独享其中/Enjoying all alone 尽兴戏水/Having fun in the water 自由糊翔/Flying freely
秋 竹林小路/Banmboo forest path 松竹游客/Visiting pines and bamboos 简单的幸福/Simple happiness 一马当先/Taking the lead 蝴蝶兰/Moth orchid 羞涩的百合/Shy Lily 锦上添花/Blooming flowers on the ceiling 相得益彰/Good match 仰望蓝天/Looking up the blue sky 灯红叶绿/Red lanterms and green leaves 秋风过耳/Wind in Fall 风中起舞Dancing in the wind 销芦兄弟/Gourd brothers 秋人横林燕麦红/Oat leaves turned red in autumn 百花齐放/Hundreds of flowers in bloom 蓝花鼠尾草/Mealy sage 蓝天树塔/Pagoda and trees in the blue sky 白云围绕/Surrounded by white clouds 璀璨耀眼/Bright and dazzling 自悠亭/Self-relaxation pavilion 喜红爱绿/Color affection 桃园结义/Friendship 中原蒙古/Mongolian yurts in Beijing 银杏树/Gingko trees 霜叶红于二月花/Red late autumn 水帘洞/The water curtain cave 欲与天公试比高/Competing the sky in height 依依不舍/Attached to each other 霜叶沉醉/Antoxicated by autumn leaves 春秋惊梦/Spring and autumn dream 世外桃源/Escaping from the world 落地生根/Settling down 岁月静好/Tranquil 秋的收获/Autumn harvest 残留的稻秆/Residual rice straw 溪暮枯荷/Dry lotuses at the dusk 叶归溪/Fallen leaves in the stream 傲然绽放/Proudly blossoming 秋风萧瑟/Bleak wind in autumn 彰显个性/Showing the individuality 丹枫迎秋/Maple trees welcoming the autumn 英姿现爽/Valiant willows 石桥伊舞/Dancing on the stone bridge 水木清华/Abeautiful garden landscape 垂柳瀑布/Willows and waterfalls 秋蕨/Autumn fern 吐珠/Spewing a water pearl 秋水一色/The leaves and water merging in one cole 流苏石斛/Dendrobium fimbriatum 婀娜多姿/Charmingly prety 落叶满地/Fallen leaves 凉亭/Pavilion 杏林漫步/Walking among the Gingko trees 睡美人/Sleeping Beauty 叠翠流金/Emerald gold 美酒佳酿/Vintage Wine
冬 黄昏恋/Twilight love 浪漫长廊/Romantic galery 墙垣忆事/Wall full ofr menore 祈福/Praying 傲霜斗雪/Unyielding 玉树琼枝/Gorgeous trees 银妆素裹/Silver frost 瑞雪飞舞/Flying snowflakes