这本图录是2008至2009年分别于Asian Art Museum,San Francisco、 Indianapolis Museum of Art 、Saint Louis Art Museum巡回展览的目录。这次展出的珍品包括明万历年间的龙袍,宫廷绘画中也有宣德的亲笔绘画,明初青花釉里红瓷瓶等240多件陶瓷、书画、织绣、漆器、玉器、珠宝饰品、青铜、金银器等明代宫廷瑰宝。
明初定都南京,至第三代永乐帝(1403--1424)迁都北京,自此紫禁城成为国际瞩目的地标。明代(1368--1644)是汉族统治中原的最后一个王朝,其文化的辉煌成就达到高峰,然而其艺术成就绝不祇是以瓷器闻名于世。此次联合了Asian Art Museum,San Francisco、北京故宫博物院、南京博物院、上海博物馆的明代宫廷精粹选藏,将明代宫廷艺术的样式作出全面又具代表性的概观介绍。
The last native Chinese imperial lineage, the Ming dynasty epitomizes the glories of China's past. Ming means bright, and the term could not be more appropriate, since artwork in many mediums—among them painting, textiles, ceramics, and objects in jades and other stones, gold and other metals, enamel, lacquer, wood, and bamboo—achieved true brilliance during this splendid period. Roughly contemporaneous with the European Renaissance, the Ming dynasty produced comparable artistic achievements, but its depth and diversity have been too seldom explored.
This Chinese art book, cataloguing the groundbreaking exhibition at the Asian Art Museum, offers a fresh look at the court arts of the Ming dynasty—featuring exceptional objects from the Palace Museum, Beijing; the Nanjing Municipal Museum; the Shanghai Museum; and the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco—many of which have never before been exhibited in the U.S. Power and Glory: Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty is an essential reference for anyone who wishes to comprehend the historical development and enduring richness of Chinese court arts of the era.