上篇 英语求职面试成功秘诀 part one strategies for a successful job interview 单元充分准备 unit one making full preparations before all interview 1.材料齐备 (checking up the necessary materials) 2.树立良好的印象 (making a good first impression) 3.准备应答 (preparing the answer) 第二单元面 试 unit two interview strategies 1.面面俱到 (paying close attention to every aspect) 2.服饰 (clothing and makeup) 3.信心 (serf-confidence) 4.避典型错误 ((avoi typical mistakes) 下篇 面试英语百问妙答 part two 100 questions and answers for job interviews 单元 个人情况 unit one personal information 第二单元 教育背景 unit two educational background 第三单元 工作经验 unit three work experience 第四单元 求职原因 unitfour reasonsforapplication 第五单元 个爱好 unit five personality and hobbies 第六单元 技能特长 unit six abilities and skills 第七单元 工作要求 unit seven work requirement 附录 appendices 附录1 常见职位名称 appendix 1 all kinds ofjob titles 附录2 职位广告常用缩略语 appendix 2 abbreviations in job advertisements