prologue foreword by miguel a.velloso introduction conceptual frameworks 1.1 background to chinese foreign policy 1.2 the theory oflmemational relations in china 1.3 the value in analysing the chinese strategic concept the historical dimension of the chinese strategic concept 2.1 the chinese world vision 2.2 the strategic culture 2.3 lessons from the past in analysing the present 2.4 chinas "new security concept" the perceptual dimension of the chinese strategic concept 3.1 chinese self:perception 3.2 the concept of"national interest" 3.3 the international system accor to china 3.4 strategic concerns the doctrine behind chinas strategic concept 4.1 nationalism and realism in the 1990s. 4.2 the gui principles of strategic thought 4.3 strategic nning and security conduct 4.4 impact of the ncw chinese strategic concept on the international system mid-term vision of the peoples republic of china (external framework) 5.1 the "cooperative" altematwe 52 the "rupturist" alternative 5.3 the "chaos" alternative conclusions bibliography primary and secondary chinesc-ianguage sources non-chinese primary and secondary sources