With advice on everything from finding and selecting the right mix of people to avoiding people management pitfalls to creating virtual teams, this is every manager’s hands-on guide to boosting productivity through superior team performance.
Fast and actionable tools and strategies for improving critical management skills—culled from Harvard Business School Publishing’s respected newsletters Harvard Management Update and Harvard Management Communication Letter.
Introduction 1
Boosting Your Team's Productivity
Managing a Team Versus Managing the Individuals on a Team
Loren Gary
The Three Essentials of an Effective Team
Jim Billington
Why Some Teams Succeed (and So Many Don't)
The Key Is How They're Managed
3-D Chess
Boosting Team Productivity Through
Emotional Intelligence
Steve Bavth
Six Steps Toward Making a Team Innovative
Jim Biolos
Overcoming Team Conflicts
Bury Your Opinion, Shortchange Your Team
LoTen Gary
Tension in Teams
When Is It Destructive, When Is It Creative?
Jim Kling
Handling Conflict in Teams
A Roundup of Recent Research
Why the Members of Your Team Won't Speak Up, and What You Can Do About It
Mattison Crowe
Solving the Sophomore Slump
Rebecca M. Saunders
Managing Communication Within Diverse and Virtual Teams
Motivating Across Generations
David StauffeT
Virtual Teams
Paleo]ithic Insights About the Art of Cyber-Managing