内容提要 关亚新、张志坤编*的《大爱(日本遗孤的故事)(英文版)》为纪实性画册,以日本二战遗孤的命运为线索,再现了中日关系史上的一段往事,从中我们可以了解日本侵华战争遗孤问题的来龙去脉,以及中国普通百姓怎样**中日关系的怨和仇,以博大的胸怀收养并抚育了几千名日本遗孤的感人事迹。 目录 PrefacePrologue (I)Prologue (II)Chapter I Enemy Outcasts in Northeast China 1. Japanese Immigrants to Northeast China 2. Post-war Japanese OrphansChapter II Chinese Mothers' Broad Mind 1. Japanese Orphans Joining Chinese Families 2. Japanese Orphans' Chinese Foster Parents 3. A Paean of Humanity and FraternityChapter III Japanese War Orphans' Search for Their Relatives 1. Uncovering the Mystery of Life 2. Embarking on the Search for Relatives 3. Realization of the Dream of ReturnChapter IV Peace Messengers of Sino-dapanese Friendship / 1. Repaying the parenting grace of Chinese foster parents 2. A Rainbow Bridge is set up between China and JapanReference Materials 作者介绍