【内容简介】: Beijing yesterday was bright with all kinds of colors, the yesterday life of Beijinger were also multicolored. The photos bring us back to the familiar alleys, the disappearing life, those warm faces, and those happy days with soul and dreams. 【作者简介】: 张晓平, birth of Beiiing. Member of China Photographic Association Worker. Cadre, journalist. Businessman 【目录】: 北京往事 藏在胡同里的衣食住行乐 衣 北京往事 藏在胡同里的衣食住行乐 食 北京往事 藏在胡同里的衣食住行乐 住 北京往事 藏在胡同里的衣食住行乐 行 北京往事 藏在胡同里的衣食住行乐 乐