The novel begins with Tom Canty, an impoverished boy living with his abusive family in London. One day, Tom Canty and Prince Edward, the son of King Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, meet, and as a jest, switch clothes. While dressed in the pauper's rags, the Prince leaves the palace to punish the guard who knocked Tom down. However, the boys look remarkably alike and because they switch clothes, the palace guards throw the prince out into the street. The Prince fares poorly in London because he insists on proclaiming his identity as the true Prince of Wales. Meanwhile despite Tom's repeated denial of his birthright, the court and the King insist that he is the true prince gone mad. Edward eventually runs into Tom's family and a gang of thieves and Twain illustrates England's unfair and barbaric justice system. After the death of Henry VIII, Edward interrupts Tom's coronation and the boys explain, switch places, and Edward is crowned King of England... 우연히만나게된거지소년톰과에드워드왕자는장난삼아옷을바입고.이일로인해물의운명이바게니다.은왕노을하게되고,에드워드는 거지소굴에서지내게되지요.뜻에도은왕노을하게잘해내고,에드워드는위험한일들을많이겪으면서서민들의어려을깨단게니다. 과연과에드워드는자리로돌아갈수있을까요? 이작품의배경이되는16세기영국사회로우리