In this classic collision of the New World with Old Europe, James weaves a fable of thwarted desire that shifts between comedy, tragedy, romance, and melodrama.
Henry James was born in 1843 in new York, with Scottish and Irish ancestry. Having studied in New York and Europe, he became a lawyer, and started writing in 1865. Spending time in Paris he knew Flaubert and Turgenev, before moving to London and then Sussex.
亨利·詹姆斯开创了心理分析小说的先河,在他的笔下,出现了仿佛是迷宫般的普通人的内心世界。在《鸽翼》(The Wings of the Dove,1902)中,他发掘了人物“最幽微,最朦胧”的思想和感觉,把“太空中跳动的脉搏”转化为形象。在兰登书屋(Random House)1996年评选的20世纪百部最佳英文小说中,亨利个人就占了三部。