Long recommended by leading paper folding experts, this book is the perfect introduction to the ancient Japanese art of origami and other paper folding. It contains a crystal-clear text and more than 275 diagrams showing each stage in the paper folding process. You'll find instructions for making over forty different pieces: decorated place mats, drinking cups, bonbon boxes you can use, sailboats, roosters, battleships, Chinese towers, birds that stand upright, frogs that move their legs, airplanes, cradles, Japanese lanterns, sunfish, talking goose heads, and thirty other ingenious, useful and unusual objects. The authors have taken special pains to anticipate and eliminate typical beginners' difficulties, and the book is particularly helpful in demonstrating how to move easily and surely from simple to complex figures. Newly reprinted in this inexpensive format, it is the perfect easy-to-follow guide for children or anyone who wants to learn the basic techniques and enjoy the creative satisfaction of paper folding. 关于退货规则:由于按需印刷商品版图书属于定制类商品,根据订单递交成功再安排印刷,因此不接受7天无理由退换货。您付款的同时,我们已安排下厂印刷。如有质量问题的商品,可以接受退货,但不接受换货。如果退货后依然需要此商品,自快递签收日起的5日内,可联系当当客服退货后再重新下单,并且保持出售时原状和收货单据的齐全。 关于到货时间:自按需印刷商品订单成功支付后的15个工作日,我们将完成印刷、装订、审核、发货等一系列按需出版流程。如遇国家法定节假日,则发货时间顺延。 按需印刷图书(POD)的服务说明:按需印刷出版是一种根据用户的订单来制作图书的服务(Print On-demand,简称POD)。您则可以通过该服务获得无法在国内平台上购买到的进口外版书或是一些绝版、断版的书籍。如同常规的图书订单,在您订购成功后,一样会收到订单确认、配货状态及订单发货等步骤的通知。 关于图书纸张说明:由于POD图书印刷所采用的生产技术有别于传统印刷,全部以数码印刷的方式按需生产,且纸张选择方面会根据实际情况略有调整,因此按需印刷所生产的图书会与传统纸本进口的图书存在一定差异。