作者 Mary Lindley(玛丽·林德利·伯顿)、Richard A. Wedemeyer(理查德·A ·魏德迈) 著
出版社 HarperCollins US
出版时间 1992-10
ISBN 9780887305719
定价 149.30元
装帧 平装
开本 其他
纸张 胶版纸
In Transition is drawn from the brilliant seminar that has helped more than a thousand Harvard MBAs advance their careers.
For the past ten years Mary Burton and Kick Wedemeyer have conducted their personal seminar on career management for the Harvard Business School Club of New York, helping more than a thousand Harvard Business School graduates advance their careers and enhance their lives. With In Transition, the expertise of these two seasoned career consultants is finally available to all managers not completely satisfied with their jobs and life situations.
In Transition offers a new perspective and proven guidance to all managers. It will help you to: Locate, evaluate, and obtain the most satisfying job possible; Understand what you really want out of your career; Access all your options, including a new job in the same field, a new career direction, or enhancement of your effectiveness in your current situation; Apply the business skills you already possess to your job search; Integrate your personal and professional life
Mary Lindley Burton and Richard A. Wedemeyer have taught the Career Management Seminar for the Harvard Business School Club of Greater New York since 1980. Mary Burton is president of Burton Strategies, providing career strategy consulting to individuals. She is a graduate of the Harvard Business School.