毕路拯,北京理工大学机械与车辆学院教授、博士生导师、机电系统与装备研究所所长。主要研究领域包括脑机接与脑控智能机器、智能人机交互与控制、多源信息融合。曾先后在美国univerity of michigan ann arbor和新加坡南洋理工大学做访问学者。自然、国基础科研、装备发展部、科技委、博士后以及浙江省自然等项目评审专家。ieee会员,复杂系统建模与(英文版)、ieee/ame aim、acc、ame dcc等的ae,frontier in neurorobotic (ci)客座ae。中国计算机学会智能汽车分会专委会委员,中国学会交通建模与专业委员会委员,世界机器人大赛bci脑控机器人专家组成员。作为或通讯作者在国际期刊ieee tit、ieee tcyb、ieee tbme、ieee tnre、ieee tmc和ieee thm等发表90余篇(含ieee tran 21篇),作为著者出版学术专著一部,作为发明人获授权发明专利19项,获自然科学,中国电子学会科技进步奖。被评选为北京理工大学首届“我心目中的好导师”(全校共十名),获北京理工大学博士指导教师和硕士指导教师称号,获北京理工大学首届“长寿秀伶”奖教金。
chapter 1 introduction to control engineering 1.1 introduction 1.2 historical review 1.3 development of control theory 1.4 control strategies 1.5 control system fundamentals 1.6 examples of control systems chapter 2 modeling of dynamic systems 2.1 introduction 2.2 differential equation 2.3 transfer function 2.4 block diagrams 2.5 statespace model 2.6 timedomain analysis of control system chapter 3 optimal control 3.1 introduction 3.2 typical optimal control problems and solutions 3.3 fundamentals of optimal control 3.4 linear quadratic regulator 3.5 kalman filter 3.6 linear quadratic gaussian control system 3.7 optimal control examples chapter 4 model predictive control 4.1 introduction 4.2 mpc control problem 4.3 key aspects of mpc 4.4 programming of mpc 4.5 a study on eegbased vehicle control with mpc controller 4.6 remendation on control parameters of mpc chapter 5 sli mode control 5.1 introduction 5.2 definition of sli mode control 5.3 basic problems in smc design 5.4 characteristics and mathematical description of sli mode 5.5 sli mode control design 5.6 chattering 5.7 control examples 5.8 a study on braincontrolled mobile robots chapter 6 artifi neural work control 6.1 introduction 6.2 fundamentals of artifi neural work 6.3 property of neural work 6.4 the structure (architecture) of artifi neural work 6.5 activation function 6.6 learning in neural work 6.7 generalization 6.8 selected types of neural work chapter 7 fuzzy logic control systems 7.1 introduction 7.2 fuzzy sets