chapter one yoga and you /1 1.1 about yoga/2 1.1.1 definition and objectives /2 1.1.2 major schools of yoga /4 1.1.3 yoga and health /8 1.2 knowing your body/10 1.2.1 body parts/12 1.2.2 muscles and skeleton /20 1.2.3 internal organs and systems /26 1.2.4 mon diseases /30
chapter two yogasanas /39 2.1 stan es/40 2.1.1 tadāsana/mountain e /40 2.1.2 utkatasana /chair e /50 2.1.3 utthita trikonasana/extended triangle e /54 2.1.4 vrksasana /tree e /62 2.1.5 vtrabhadrasana i/warrior e i /66 2.1.6 garudasana /eagle e /72 2.2 sitting es /78 2.2.1 dandasana /staff e /78 2.2.2 jānu sirsāsana/head-to-knee e /82 2.2.3 paschimottānasana/seated forward bend e /88 2.2.4 gomukhasana/cow-face e /94 2.2.5 baddha konasana/bound angle e /98 2.2.6 upavistha konasana/seated angle e /104 2.3 prone es/108 2.3.1 makarasana/crocodile e/108 2.3.2 astānga namaskara/eight-limbed salutation e /112 2.3.3 bhujangāsana/cobra e /114 2.3.4 salabhasana /locust e /120 2.3.5 dhanurasana/bow e /124 2.3.6 mandukasana/frog e /128 2.4 supine es/134 2.4.1 viparita karani/legs-up-the-wall e /134 2.4.2 ananda balasana /happy e /138 2.4.3 pāvānamuktāsana/wind-relieving e /142 2.4.4 halasana /plow e /146 2.4.5 supta virasana /reclining hero e /150 2.4.6 savasana/core e /154 2.5 other frequently-seen yoga es /160 2.5.1 marjariasana/cat stretch e /160 2.5.2 adho mukha svãnasana /downward-facing dog e/164 2.5.3 ardha matsyendrasana/half lord-of-the-fish e/168 2.5.4 paripūrna nāvāsana /plete boat e /174 2.5.5 setubandhasana /bridge e /178 2.5.6 ustrasana /camel e /182 2.6 sūrya namaskāra /sun salutation /186
chapter three yoga nidra/211 3.1 definition and importance /212 3.2 hints and cautions /214 3.3 yoga nidra:a sample /216
chapter four prãnayãma /235 4.1 definition and importance /236 4.2 hints and cautions /238 4.3 abdominal breathing /240 4.4 nādī sodhana prānayāma/244
chapter five yoga dhyãna /251 5.1 definition and importance /252 5.2 hints and cautions/254 5.3 guided meditation:a sample/256
chapter six munication before and after class /263 6.1 munication before class/264 6.1.1 greeting new customers /264 6.1.2 catering for customersneeds /264 6.1.3 yoga courses /266 6.1.4 membership cards /268 6.1.5 yoga pro/268 6.1.6 preparation before class /270 6.2 munication after class /272 6.2.1 asking for customersfeedback /272 6.2.2 offering suggestions /274 6.2.3 after-class services /276 6.2.4 saying goodbye to customers /276
appendix/279 appendix 1:note /280 appendix 2:simplified pronunciation of sanskrit words /290 appendix 3:list of yogaasana names /294 appendix 4:list of sanskrit terms /297