”文化在语言发展历程中通常扮演了非常重要的角色,对于中文尤其如此。了解文化内涵会让汉字学习变得轻松而愉快。“趣读中国文化”系列之“有趣的汉字”一共包括4本书,专门为非中文母语环境下的读者定制,作者凭借多年积累的经验,选择了目标读者比较容易接受的一些常用汉字,配以丰富插图或照片。为方便读者使用,内容编排按照英文字母顺序。 In language development, culture has often played an important part, which holds especially true for Chinese language. Knowing the cultural context would make learning Chinese language easier and more fun. Intriguing Chinese Characters presents some common Chinese characters and their cultural context through cartoons and photos. The series includes 4 books with Chinese character subjects arranged in English alphabetic order.
Mew Yew Hwa,是前新加坡大学毕业生,主修汉学与历史。毕业后一直从事教育出版行业,积累了几十年的经验,对英语和汉语作为第二语言的学习方法有深入研究,并在实践中总结出一些行之有效的方法,近几年从编辑转为作者,著述丰富。 Y H Mew, MA (History), has spent over 30 years publishing language-related books for young and adult learners. He is constantly seeking creative ways to present content so that readers may find learning more enjoyable.