This standard specifies the type,dimension,allowable tolerances,technical requirements,testing method,inspection rules, mark, quality certificate and warranty,etc for rails. This standard is applicable to 60 kg/m hot-rolled rails for 200 km/h and above high speed railways and can be referred to by rails for railways running between 160 km/h and 200 km/h for application.
Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions
4 Grading and Application 4.1 Grading 4.2 Application
5 Information to be supplied by the Purchaser
6 Type,Dimension,Length,Weight and Allowable Tolerances 6.1 Type and Dimension 6.2 Length and Weight 6.3 Allowable Tolerances 6.4 Straightness and Allowable Tolerances for Twist 6.5 Bolt Hole
7 Technical Requirement 7.1 Fabricating Technique 7.2 Grade No. and Chemical Compositions 7.3 Tensile Performance 7.4 Hardness 7.5 Microstructure 7.6 Decarburized Layer 7.7 Non-Metal Inclusion 7.8 Microstructure Test 7.9 Drop Weight Test 7.10 Surface Quality 7.11 Ultrasonic Flaw Detection 7.12 Residual Stress at Rail Base 7.13 Fracture Toughness 7.14 Fatigue Crack Growth Rate 7.15 Fatigue
8 Test Method 8.1 Testing Content,Frequency,Sampling Positions and Test Method 8.2 Hydrogen Content 8.3 Oxygen Content and Nitrogen Content 8.4 Hardness 8.5 Microstructure 8.6 Drop Weight 8.7 Ultrasonic Flaw Detection 8.8 Residual Stress at Rail Base 8.9 Fracture Toughness 8.10 Growth Rate of Fatigue Crack 8.11 Fatigue
9 Inspection Rules 9.1 Monitoring 9.2 Type Inspection 9.3 Routine Test 9.4 Retest and Final Judgment 9.5 Rounding off of Numerical Value
10 Marking and Quality Certificate 10.1 Marking 10.2 Quality Certificate
11 Quality Warranty 11.1 Quality Assurance System 11.2 Warranty
Appendix A (Normative) Type and Dimension of 60 kg/m Rails Appendix B (Normative) Prohibited Defects on Rail Horizontal Acid-Dipping Sample Appendix C (Normative) Method for Determination of Rail Foot Surface Longitudinal residual Stresses Appendix D (Normative) Standard Test Method for the Determination of the Plane Strain Fracture Toughness (KIC) of Rails Appendix E (Normative) Testing Template for Rail Dimension Bibliography