*高期望值1 Great Expectations2 真实的高贵3 True Nobility4 做自己情绪的主人5 I will be Master of My Emotions7 爱 情9 Love11 做事要当机立断13 The Importance of Deciding Promptly14 要懂得把握时机16 On Time or the Triumph of Promptnss18 我生命中的“另一位女人”20 That “Other Woman” in My life22 妈妈与孩子24 Mother and Child26 深情拥抱28 A Hug for Your Thoughts30 你的生命是个奇迹!32 Miracle, Your Life36 你接受挑战吗41 Do You Accept Challenges?42 培养一种业余爱好43 Cultivating a Hobby45 *精彩的失败演说词47 The Best Speech After Defeat50 雪54 Snow56 善意的回报59 A Kindness Returned61 每次给予都有意义63 Every Giving Has Meaning64 平淡生活的艺术66 The Art of Living Simply70 灿烂的时光74 Hour in the Sun75 家的真相76 Home Truth79 爱我所爱82 Why We Love Who We Love84 木匠的礼物86 Carpenter’s Gift88 微笑的世界90 A World of Smile91 不忧虫92 Worry Not Bug93 特殊礼物94 A Special Gift96 病 友98...