Can Japan Competeg. will change the way we understand Japan's economic performance, and the way we think about competitiveness in any economy.
Until recent years, Japan was seen as the world's most invincible economic power-where a postwar economic 'miracle' transformed the nation from poverty to fabulous wealth.
Defying economic theory, Japan was credited with creating a system that was both more egalitarian and more efficient than the capitalism of the West.
So, what went so terribly wrong? In Can Japan Compete?, the world's leading thinker on competitive strategy, Michael Porter, and his colleagues, Hirotaka Takeuchi and Mariko Sakakibara, draw upon a decade of research to untangle the mystery of Japan's economic difficulties. Doing so is critical to forecasting Japan's economic future, which is of enormous importance to companies and countries everywhere. At a deeper level, however, the book reveals the enduring principles of company strategy and economic policy in modern global competition.
With a special introduction that addresses how Japan's economic health impacts business in the United States, this groundbreaking work reveals that there have long been two Japans-the familiar one that was highly competitive and another Japan, almost invisible, that was highly uncompetitive. If the well-known Japanese government policies and corporate practices explained the nation's success, as so many people believed, why didn't they work in so many large, important parts of the economy where the model was explicitly implemented? In the areas where Japan was competitive, why was profitability so low and the cost of living for Japanese citizens so high?
MICHAEL E.PORTER istheC. Roland Christensen Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School and a leading authority on competitive strategy and global competitiveness. He is the best-selling author of sixteen books on strategy and comp
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 The Japanese Model of Competitiveness
Early Warning Signs
Challenging the Conventional Wisdom
The Structure of this Study
Chapter 2 Challenging the Japanese Government Model
The Roots of the Japanese Government Model
Elements of the Government Model
The Role of Government in Japan's Competitive Successes
The Role of Government in Japan's Failures
Testing the Japanese Government Model
Appendix A: How the Case Studies were Developed
Appendix B: Case Studies of the Role of Cartels in
Competitive Industries
Chapter 3 Rethinking Japanese Management
The Japanese Corporate Model
Competing on Operational Effectiveness
Competing Without Strategy
Competing on Strategy
Japanese Exceptions that Prove the Rule
Chapter 4 What Does Explain Japanese Competitiveness?
Prosperi'ey and Productivity
Competitiveness and the Japanese Business Environment