你相信精灵的存在吗?你相信在我们的周遭隐藏着一个不可思议的世界吗?故事就发生在葛雷斯家三姐弟的身上......有人在姐姐玛洛丽比赛击剑的时候,鬼鬼祟祟的翻找她的袋子,杰瑞前去一看究竟,发现这个人竟然是自己!他急中生智,想起精灵怕铁制的东西,于是拿出口袋中的小刀,这时候副校长却走了过来...... 就在杰瑞和赛门在副校长门外等妈妈的时候,玛洛丽不见了,只留下了刻在石头上的“交换”两字。两兄弟决定到采石场一探究竟,赫然发现了一个由矮人建造的国度!被矮人掳走的姐姐究竟是生是死?他们能否摆脱金属狗的追逐?采石场里藏了什么秘密?背后是否有更大的阴谋? First a pack of vile, smelly goblins snatch Simon. Then a bandof elves try to entrap Jared. Why is the entire faerie world soeager to get their hands on Spiderwick's Guide? And will the Gracekids be left alone, now that the Guide has mysteriouslydisappeared? Don't count on it. At school, someone is running around pretending to be Jared, andit's not Simon. To make matters even worse, now Mallory hasdisappeared and something foul in the water is killing off all theplants and animals for miles around. Clues point to the oldabandoned quarry, just outside of town. Dwarves have taken over anabandoned mine there. And the faerie world's abuzz with the newsthat a creature with plans to rule the world has offered them agift to join with him -- he's given them a queen...
Holly Black spent her early years in adecaying Victorian mansion where her mother fed her a steady dietof ghost stories and books about faeries. Her first book, Tithe:A Modern Faerie Tale, was an ALA Top Ten Book for Teens,received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly and KirkusReviews, and has been translated into twelve languages. Hersecond teen novel, Valiant, was an ALA Best Book for YoungAdults, a Locus Magazine Recommended Read, and a recipientof the Andre Norton Award from the Science Fiction and FantasyWriters of America. She lives in Amherst, Massachusetts. VisitHolly at www.hollyblack.com.