1.可开发票,具体请联系客服; 2.请看清运费和商品描述再下单,不接受本店运费的请绕行; 3.“现货”图书48小时内北京发货,快递可发圆通、京东、顺丰到付等; 4.代询图书,具体请咨询客服。 The Pirelli Calendar is an icon of our times. Its acclaimed photographers – among them Richard Avedon, Mario Testino, Peter Lindbergh, Herb Ritts, Norman Parkinson, Bruce Weber and Annie Leibovitz – have worked with top models such as Kate Moss, Linda Evangelista and Naomi Campbell to create images of sensual escape from reality that define an ideal of beauty. 5.品相说明: 95品:未使用的书,但可能存在微小瑕疵:封面边角可能有轻微磕碰、磨损、折痕、印章或签名等,具体请看商品描述。 9品:整体较新,除上面提到的瑕疵外,可能还有轻微的翻阅痕迹、但内页基本上都干净如新,具体请看商品描述。 85品:标准二手书,正文不缺页,除上面提到的瑕疵外,可能有一定的破损或较多的划线或笔记,具体请看商品描述。