看清运费、商品描述、请直接下单,单本不议价,量大从优。标“现货”的当日16点前北京发货,其余的国外发货,一般2-3周周可到货,个别的4-5周,急用的请咨询客服。代购各国外文图书,发票税点3%(下单后联系客服,把税点钱加到订单里面再付款)。孔网买书一定要看清封底和版权页,看好卖家信誉、发货时效。 This is an undergraduate textbook on the physics of electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic fields and waves. It is written mainly with the physics student in mind, although it will also be of use to students of electrical and electronic engineering. The approach is concise but clear, and the authors have assumed that the reader will be familiar with the basic phenomena. The theory, however, is set out in a completely self-contained and coherent way, is developed to the point where the reader can appreciate the beauty and coherence of the Maxwell equations, and is applied to a wide range of topics. Each chapter ends with a set of problems, answers to which are also provided. The authors have extensive experience of teaching physics to undergraduate students at the University of Bristol. The clarity of the mathematical treatment they provide will facilitate a thorough grasp of the subject, and makes this a highly attractive text.