英文版 Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators 热核与狄拉克算子
作者 Nicole Berline
出版社 Springer Verlag
ISBN 9783540200628
出版时间 1992
装帧 精装
页数 288页
上书时间 2022-05-01
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看清运费、商品描述、请直接下单,单本不议价,量大从优。标“现货”的当日16点前北京发货,其余的国外发货,一般2-3周周可到货,个别的4-5周,急用的请咨询客服。代购各国外文图书,发票税点3%(下单后联系客服,把税点钱加到订单里面再付款)。孔网买书一定要看清封底和版权页,看好卖家信誉、发货时效。 In the first edition of this book, simple proofs of the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem for Dirac operators on compact Riemannian manifolds and its generalizations (due to the authors and J.-M. Bismut) were presented, using an explicit geometric construction of the heat kernel of a generalized Dirac operator; the new edition makes this popular book available to students and researchers in an attractive paperback.
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