Vilhelm Lauritzen(1894-1984)是丹麦当时重要的建筑师之一,也是丹麦现代主义重要的开发者之一。今天,他的一些项目仍然是一种新的和革命性的建筑的先例,其形式服从于功能。Vilhelm Lauritzen的方法是关于可用性的。一个例子是1930年代哥本哈根的一个机场航站楼,当时还没有机场设计类型。作为一个功能主义者,他将建筑分为空侧和陆侧;入口和交通沿线在陆侧,航空和登机口在空侧。时至今日,这种设计在世界各地的机场中仍占主导地位。
本书通过维尔赫姆-劳里岑建筑事务所过去100年的故事,讲述了丹麦福利国家和它的现代主义建筑的故事。本书由《芬恩-尤尔》的作者撰写。生活、工作、世界》(Strandberg Publishing and Phaidon 2018/2019)的作者。
Vilhelm Lauritzen (1894-1984) was one of Denmark’s most significant architects of his time and one of the most important developers of Danish modernism. Today, a number of his projects remain precursory examples of a new and revolutionary architecture where form follows function. Vilhelm Lauritzen’s approach was all about usability. An example is the first airport terminal in Copenhagen from the 1930’s when there was no airport design typology. As a functionalist, he divided the building into airside and landside; entrance and traffic along the building on landside with aviation and gates following airside. Still today, this design remains predominant of the airports around the world.
This book tells the story of the Danish wellfare state and it’s modernistic architecture told through the story of Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects the last 100 years. Written by the author of Finn Juhl. Life, Work, World (Strandberg Publishing and Phaidon 2018/2019).