1925年,艺术家 Edward Bawden 爱德华·鲍登和埃里克·拉维利斯 Eric Ravilious搬到了埃塞克斯村的大巴德菲尔德,开始共用住所。几年来,在鲍登和拉维利斯的作品的鼓舞下,其他艺术家来到村子里,形成了一个艺术家和设计师社区,这个社区一直延续到今天。最先加入他们的是朗特里的、肯尼斯和戴安娜,还有迈克尔·罗森斯坦和他的妻子达菲·艾尔斯。紧随其后的是约翰·奥尔德里奇,壁纸的画家和设计师(柯文出版社印刷了鲍登的论文);沃尔特·霍伊尔,版画家和壁纸设计师;玛丽安·斯特劳布,纺织品设计师和织布工;插画家和版画家伯纳德·切斯和他的妻子希拉·罗宾逊。还有一些不太知名的名字,包括乔治·查普曼、斯坦利·克利福德·史密斯和劳伦斯·斯卡夫。虽然Bawden和Ravilios的职业生涯被广为记载,但许多其他艺术家并不那么知名,但同样有才华,而且大多数人从未在一本重要的出版物中发表过特写。这本书将讲述大巴德菲尔德和它的艺术家的故事,以及他们著名的“开放式房屋”展览,展示村庄和邻近的风景如何培养了独特的艺术风格,设计和插图从1930年代到1970年代及以后。
In 1925, the artists Edward Bawden and Eric Ravilious moved to the village of Great Bardfield in the countryside of Essex, England. Over time, other artists came to the village, forming a community of artists and designers that remains active today. In the 1950s, these artists, including Bawden, Ravilious, John Aldridge, Michael Rothenstein, and Marianne Straub, among others, held now-famous “open house” exhibitions, displaying their modernist works to the public in their own homes. These informal shows brought acclaim to the artists, and also brought thousands of visitors to the quaint village. This richly illustrated book shows how that community, and its neigh- boring landscape, nurtured a distinctive style of art, design, and illustration
their shared artistic legacy is immediately obvious from this beautiful book. --Country Life 16th 23rd December 2015; Beautifully designed. --Evening Standard 24th December 2015; visually and biographically engrossing.-- Derek Brazell, Association of Illustrators Blog, February 2016
Gill Saunders is Senior Curator in the Word & Image Department of Victoria and Albert Museum, specialising in 20th-century and contemporary prints and drawings. Dr Malcolm Yorke is a freelance writer and art historian with a special interest in twentieth-century British art.
Product details
Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Victoria & Albert Museum (October 6, 2015)