Award-winning filmmaker and photographer Jona Frank took this portrait series at an amateur boxing club just outside of Liverpool, United Kingdom. Shirtless and sweaty, their hands covered with big, puffy, colorful gloves, these modern kids look timeless, but the truth is they are like any adolescent who is trying on a role and attempting to find their place. Like the suburb of Liverpool where these photos were made, boxing has a foot in the past while grasping its contemporary purpose. Frank's photographs provide a record of a sport and a community whose presence is slowly fading.
LIEFERBAR IN EUROPA SEIT AUGUST 2015! 屡获殊荣的电影制作人兼摄影师乔纳·弗兰克在英国利物浦郊外的一家业余拳击俱乐部拍摄了这一系列肖像。这些现代孩子没有衬衫,汗流浃背,手上戴着又大又蓬松的彩色手套,看起来是永恒的,但事实是,他们就像任何试图扮演角色并试图找到自己位置的青少年一样。就像这些照片拍摄地利物浦郊区一样,拳击在把握其当代目的的同时,也立足于过去。弗兰克的照片记录了一项运动和一个正在慢慢消失的社区。