德国摄影师Ilse Bing(1899-1998)确立了自己作为20世纪主要摄影师之一的地位。她在两次世界大战之间拍摄的先锋图像揭示了一种受包豪斯和炒现实主义影响的现代视野。除了她的个人作品,她还在新闻摄影、建筑摄影、广告和时尚领域拍摄图像,她的作品发表在当时的主要雜誌 上,并在法国和德国展出。1931年,她从法兰克福搬到巴黎,但当巴黎在第二次世界大战期间被德国人占领时,她和她的丈夫都是犹太人,被驱逐并被关押在法国南部。1941年,他们移珉到纽约,她一直在那里生活,直到1998年去世。自20世纪70年代她艏次在纽约MOMA展出以来,人们对她的作品以及20世纪20年代和30年代的欧洲摄影作品的兴趣激增。作为这一时期的主要创作力量之一,Bing经常就这个时代的摄影和现代艺术的发展发表演讲。本书与MAPFRE基金会联合出版,伴随MAPFRE于2022年9月至2023年1月在马德里举办的Ilse Bing全面回顾展出版。本书按时间顺序和主题研究了Bing高产的创作生涯,包括160多张照片以及知名专家Juan Vicente Aliaga、Benjamin Buchloh、Donna West Brett的描述文字。
The German photographer Ilse Bing (1899-1998) established herself as one of the major photographers of the 20th century. Her pioneering images of the inter-war period reveal a modern vision influenced by both the impact of the Bauhaus and Surrealism. Alongside her personal work, she produced images in the fields of photojournalism, architectural photography, advertising and fashion, and her work was published in the major magazines of the time and exhibited in France and Germany. She moved from Frankfurt to Paris in 1931, but when the city was taken over by the Germans during the Second World War, she and her husdand, both Jewish, were expelled and interned in the south of France. They emigrated to New York in 1941 and she lived there until her death in 1998. Since the 1970s, when she first exhibited at MOMA in New York, interest in her work and in European photography of the 1920s and 1930s more generally has exploded. As one of the leading creative forces of the period, Bing became a frequent lecturer on the photography of this era and on the development of modern art. This book, published in association with the Fundación MAPFRE, coincides with a comprehensive retrospective of his work presented in Madrid by MAPFRE from September 2022 to January 2023. The book offers a chronological and thematic study of Bing's intense creative career and includes more than 160 photographs as well as texts by leading experts Juan Vicente Aliaga, Benjamin Buchloh and Donna West Brett.