Carve lifelike animal-handled canes and walking sticks with power tools. Over 180 clear color photos and concise, informative text take the reader through all the tools, techniques, and individual steps, from carving the blank and setting the eyes to texturing the fur and painting the finished handle. Patterns are provided for fifteen projects to make handles that depict an elephant, bear, sheep, bison, chimpanzee, horse, dog, groundhog, cobra, lion, rabbit, squirrel, tiger, and walrus. Instructions are given for procuring, sizing, and fastening shafts. This book will challenge and delight the novice and inspire a seasoned wood carver. 用电动工具雕刻栩栩如生的动物手杖和手杖。超过180张清晰的彩色照片和简洁明了的文字,带领读者通过所有的工具,技术和个人的步骤,从雕刻空白和设置眼睛纹理的毛皮和绘制完成的处理。模式提供了十五个项目,使处理,描绘大象,熊,绵羊,野牛,黑猩猩,马,狗,土拨鼠,眼镜蛇,狮子,兔子,松鼠,老虎,和海象。关于采购、调整尺寸和紧固轴的说明已经给出。这本书将挑战和愉悦的新手和启发一个经验丰富的木雕工。 基本信息 出版社 : Schiffer Craft (2005年12月14日) 语言 : 英语 平装 : 80页 ISBN-10 : 0764323814 ISBN-13 : 978-0764323812 商品重量 : 408 g 尺寸 : 21.34 x 0.76 x 27.43 cm