Based in Berlin, Dutch visual artist Helen Verhoevens works often explore the theme of ceremonial gatherings. The focus of this book is her monumental painting, Hoge Raad (Supreme Court), which hangs in that same institution in The Hague. According to the essay by Maria Barnas, Rarely have I seen anything so theatrical, so time-transcending and majestic, and at the same time so everyday. Tension pervades the work, with the positioning of various figures lending it a theatrical aspect. This book contains a 1:1 reproduction of the painting: each page shows a surface segment, set in the sequence of a mapped grid. Also included is an index of the paintings historical references. 以柏林为基地,荷兰视觉艺术家海伦 verhoevens 的作品经常探索礼仪集会的主题。这本书的重点是她的不朽的绘画,hoge raad (最高法院) ,它挂在同样的机构在海牙。根据玛丽亚 · 巴纳斯的文章,我从未见过如此戏剧化,如此超越时间,如此宏伟,同时又如此每天如此。这部作品充满了紧张气氛,各种人物的摆放给它增添了戏剧性的一面。这本书包含了这幅画1:1的复制品: 每一页都显示了一个表面片段,按照映射网格的顺序设置。还包括一个绘画的历史参考索引。 基本信息 出版社 : Helen Verhoeven (2016年6月15日) 语言 : 英语 平装 : 368页 ISBN-10 : 9081465708 ISBN-13 : 978-9081465700 商品重量 : 1.11 kilograms 尺寸 : 24.3 x 1.5 x 33.8 cm