这本书是以一种观察为基础撰写的,即非正式城市在当代大都市的扎根过程已经成为世界性的现象。这些非正式城市以自己为中心发展起来,尽管困难重重,但仍然欣欣向荣;它们在集体想象中稳定下来,因而产生了一种前所未有的社会文化变异。这种模式的转变正在逐步引发 "不替代 "进程,这一进程在定居点的实体模式中可以观察到。这些定居点开始变异并适应稳定和重组的逻辑。本书对这一现象进行了系统而彻底的解释,用形态学的术语分析了里约热内卢(一座有利于观察非正式城市的城市)四个贫民窟的城市组织。 This work is based on the observation that within contemporary metropolises there is a worldwide rooting process of informal cities. These informal cities are structured around themselves and thrive despite the odds; they settle in the collective imagination, thus producing an unprecedented social-cultural mutation. This paradigm shift is gradually triggering processes of "non-replacement" that can be observed in the physical pattern of the settlements, which begin to mutate and adapt to the logic of stabilization and reorganization. This work interprets this phenomenon systematically and thoroughly, analyzing the urban tissue of four favelas in Rio de Janeiro (a favorable context to observe informal cities) in morphological terms. We have spent much time traveling, observing, mapping, and drawing the territories, which allowed us to analyze them on a grand scale in order to explore the variations of the rooting process in the metropolis. It also helped analyze them on a small scale in order to identify and understand the syntax of their evolution and the micro-transformations of their urban tissue.
Publisher:LISTLAB (Dec 31 2021) Language:English Paperback:268 pages ISBN-10:8832080516 ISBN-13:978-8832080513 Item weight:505 g Dimensions:16 x 22.99 cm