With her Iceland series, Ulrike Crespo takes on an extraordinary landscape, which has inspired countless travel and art photographers since the 19th century. And yet she succeeds in producing images that depict the breath-taking wealth of colours and forms of this wild island in a completely new way, often in nearly abstract details: turquoise-blue icebergs, black volcanic sand, white foaming waterfalls, mossy green boulders, and sulphur yellow gravel deserts. 通过她的冰岛系列,乌尔里克・克雷斯波展现了非凡的风景,自19世纪以来,这激发了无数的旅行和艺术摄影师。然而,她却成功地以一种全新的方式描绘了这个野生岛屿令人叹为观止的丰富色彩和形式,通常是几乎抽象的细节: 青绿色的冰山,黑色的火山沙,白色起泡的瀑布,长满苔藓的绿色巨石,以及硫黄色的沙砾沙漠。