The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat has produced four Technical Guides to date, since the series launched in late 2012. Each of these guides is the product of a CTBUH Working Group committees formed specifically to address focused topical subjects in the industry. The intention of each guide is the same to provide working knowledge to the typical building owner or professional who wants a better understanding of available options for improving tall buildings, and what affects their design. The object of the series is to provide a tool-kit for the creation of better-performing tall buildings, and to spread the understanding of the considerations that need to be made in designing tall. The CTBUH is the world s leading resource for professionals focused on the design, construction, and operation of tall buildings and future cities. A not-for-profit organization based at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, the group facilitates the exchange of the latest knowledge available on tall buildings around the world. 自从2012年末该系列出版以来,高层建筑和城市人居委员会至今已经出版了四本技术指南。每一本指南都是 ctbuh 工作组委员会的产物,该委员会专门针对行业中的重点专题。每份指引的目的都是为一般业主或专业人士提供工作知识,让他们更清楚了解改善高层建筑物的可行方案,以及影响他们设计的因素。这个系列的目的是提供一个工具包,用于创建性能更好的高层建筑,并传播对设计高层建筑时需要考虑的因素的理解。中心是世界领先的高层建筑和未来城市设计、建造和运营专业人才资源。该集团总部位于芝加哥的非营利组织伊利诺理工学院,旨在促进世界各地高层建筑的最新知识交流。 出版社 : Images Publishing Dist Ac (2014年12月15日) 语言 : 英语 平装 : 240页 ISBN-10 : 1864705930 ISBN-13 : 978-1864705935 商品重量 : 1.09 kilograms 尺寸 : 22.43 x 1.93 x 27.08 cm